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Camps - Clinics - Events    
Basics Referee School
The Edge Officials Camp
Ref School -Oregon
Referee Basic Training

Welcome to the StripeZone.

Login areas for members are located to the left.

What is the StripeZone?

The StripeZone is a tool for officials, coaches, observers and official's organizations. The StripeZone facilitates communication and coordination between all parties, eliminating much of the manual work that takes so much time.

The StripeZone can help your official's organization work smarter not harder. Features include assigning, tracking official's information, sharing important news, delivering game assigments, collecting availability, collecting evaluation forms from coaches and observers and many other time-saving uses.

If you would like to learn more about the StripeZone you can join our mailing list or you can send us email with your questions.

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